Nobuko Awaya is a professor of Intercultural Communications with a special interest in gender issues and media at Shoin University, Japan. She has also served as co-chair of the Research Organization for Asian American Experience since 2000, and she is a freelance journalist/author. Nobuko introduced "men's issues" (vs. “women's” issues) in Japan and translated Shy-Man Syndrome, by Dr. Brian Gilmartin in 1990. Using a cross-cultural framework, she has interviewed visual artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude, cellist Yoyo Ma, and actor John Lone, and has written articles on Bruce Lee and Gordon Hirabayashi. Since 2004, the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science has included her essays in public high school textbooks. Other publications include: “Onna Kodomo Ga Nihon o Kaeru (Women and Children Change Japan)” 1991 PHP, “Re-Imaging Japanese Women”1996 UC Berkley Press, “Nigeru Otoko” (The Man Who Runs Away) 2000 Kosai-do Press, “Hataraku Sorezore No Riyu” (Myriad Reasons to Work) 2005 Nikkei Home Shuppan. She is a descendant of 450 years of the Suganuma family in Izu, Japan. http://home.c04.itscom.net/a-no/
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