Hideo Arai was trained by the well-known Japanese movement and body expert Michizo Noguchi in whose technique he is ceritfied. Noguchi taught Hideo how to artistically express his unique dance impulses through efficient body kinesthetics. Hideo also learned how to link his personal artistic yearnings with the greater surrounding forces of nature. Taking place in temples, shrines, fields and streets,
Hideo’s work may be accompanied by live musicians and variously concocted sets, or they may occur in complete silence, punctuated only by ambient noise and wild grasses. His dance is intensely shamanistic yet playfully light. In 1997, Hideo created the dance project-office KARADAKARA, joining two Japanese words, “body” (karada) and “therefore” (dakara). Hideo has performed throughout Japan and in Canada, Hungary, Malaysia, Germany and Austria. Hideo has done extensive field work in Japanese folklore, traveling throughout the countrysides of Japan to learn about folktales, beliefs, festivals and language. He is also a big fan of “Rakugo,” the traditional form of one-man comedy. http://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~hideo-a/
© IWASA Eiichiro, Chihan Art Project